Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Humanism Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Humanism belong perhaps to the most extensively developed theories in the field of early Psychology. Their roots are said to draw from a heritage of scholarships developed by key thinkers as early as the 1900’s. And as specific facets of science, their unifying goal is to explicate human behavior neither through arbitrary and random observations nor unsubstantiated conclusions, but through a more rigorous process of â€Å"scientific investigation† (Moskowitz & Orgel, 1967, p. 107).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper attempts to successfully describe the three theories cited, and thus put them in conversation with one another. In the process, this paper wishes to bring into the fore key similarities and relative differences that may be gleaned from such a presentation. Three Psychological Theories .  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Behaviorism is a theory that operates on the underlying assumption that the concrete manifestations of human behavior are nothing but the result of identifiable causes or influences. Put in other words, the core contention of behaviorism lies in understanding human behavior in the context of its reactions to various stimuli (Behaviorism, 2007). Key to this theory is operative principle of external reinforcements; i.e., behaviorism takes the nature of human behavior as sufficiently explainable through the outside forces acting on it. For instance, Ivan Pavlov in 1900 was able to demonstrate in his experiment that the â€Å"salivation reflexes† of dogs can be â€Å"controlled† using external conditioning. By associating dog feeding sessions with secondary stimuli (say, bell ringing) it was learned that dogs eventually tended to react to these â€Å"secondary† forces inasmuch as they do with primary stimuli. The idea that goes with the experiment was to establish the â€Å"prediction and control of behavior† (Wozniak, 1997). As a result, many thinkers picked up this admirable concept, and, using Pavlov’s investigation, a number of psychologists began studying the how â€Å"classical conditioning† can be applied to human beings. (Moskowitz & Orgel, 1967, p. 107). If only to mention, other notable proponents of this theory include J. Watson, B.F. Skinner, and E. Thorndlike.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since behaviorism gives higher premium than most on the importance of looking at the external forces affecting human behavior, it has a tendency to depreciate, if not all together deny the concept of human consciousness, or internal workings of the mind (Wozniak, 1997). Behaviorism â€Å"assumes that the learner is essentially passive†, in that one’s behavior relies heavily on external forces to achieve its concrete form. In many ways, this theory takes human behavior as tabula rasa; i.e., a sheet wiped clean for external experiences to start building into. Thus, it claims that human behavior â€Å"can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states† (Behaviorism, 2007). In what appears to be a direct critique to the behaviorist theory, the Cognitive psychological theory meanwhile believes that human learning is a process that involves putting into use what already is present within the human framework. Put in other words, instead of taking the human person as a tabula rasa, adherents of the cognitive theory seem to understand a person as a black box – a repository of internal processors that enable one to achieve learning. Cognitivism was said to gain a fair amount of attention from among the diverse psychological circles in the 1960’s. And noted theorists affiliated to this theory include Merill, Reigeluth, Gagne, Briggs, Wager, among others (Cognitivism, 2007). A few significant differences may be gleaned from juxtaposing the two theories cited thus far. First, unlike behaviorism, cognitivism tends to pay closer attention to establishing inner mental workings of a person to explain human behavior. Cognitivists reject the notion that the behavioral manifestations of a human person are explainable by solely citing external factors. One can perhaps consider how human persons possess a unique manner of gaining insights apart from outside experiences. For instance, if a child were to be given Lego constructs to play with, it would be utterly difficult to explain how he or she can in the process end up building certain formation such as dolls, guns or planes if one were to only see a child from the perspective of stimulus-response perspective. If only to argue, there is no stimulus-response framework to begin with. Instead, one needs to look at the whole experience of the child from the point of view of insight building. For, according to Moskowitz and Orgel, â€Å"the ability of the organism to manipulate symbols seems to be an essential component in insightful behavior† (1967, p. 135). Second, unlike behaviorism, cognitivism does not subscribe to the concept of persons as â€Å"programmed animals† (Cognitivism, 2007). Far more critical, cognitive theorists reject any notion claiming that human persons are but passive recipients of external forces – helpless, as they were, in the entire process of behavior formation or learning process. On the contrary, cognitive theorists believe that human persons are very much involved in their learning process and progress, inasmuch as they take part and are highly responsible in their actions. In sum, cognitivists take â€Å"mental processes such as thinking, memory, knowing, and problem-solving† as issues of paramount importance (Cognitivism, 2007). It can be noted that the psychological theories thus far cited involve attempts to resolve the tension between external and internal forces affecting human behavior. In view of the foregoing discussions, it seems that the Humanistic psychological perspective can prove to be a theory that can somewhat integrate the conflicting claims of both the Behaviorist and Cognitivist theories. The basic contention of Humanistic perspective lies in seeing human persons as organisms drawn towards motivational learning. Popular proponents of this theory include A. Maslow, K. Rogers, and M. Knowles (Humanist Theories, 2007). Under this scheme, a person’s behavior is taken within the context of his or her aspirations, motivations, needs, and values. And these aspects, if only to argue, stem from the a person’s interaction with his or her environment, coupled with an inherent capacity to appropriate these influences into one’s own worldview (Moskowitz & Orgel, 1967, p. 340). Like Behaviorism, this theory affirms the crucial role of external influences in the manner a person comes up with value system. Like Cognitivism, this theory also affirms the fact that learning uses â€Å"reflection†¦(as) guides for active experimentation and the choice of new experience† (Humanistic Theories, 2007). Unlike the two theories however, Humanistic psychology does not confine itself to a more restricted approach to understanding human behavior. Key to understanding this theory therefore lies in the concept of self-appropriation – a process that involves putting into a successful integration both the external and internal aspects of human behavior. Conclusion This paper now ends with a thought that indeed, the three psychological theories that were discussed hereinabove do manifest distinctive differences. But two strains of similarities can be drawn between and among them nevertheless. The first points to the fact that all the above cited theories employ scientific methods in arriving at their sacred contentions. In fact, like most behavioral sciences, Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Humanism rely heavily on scientific methodologies to substantiate their proposed theories. Secondly, it needs to be acknowledged that these theories all contribute to the furthering of knowledge pertinent to the science of human behavior. Despite their differences, their contribution to the already rich heritage of the science of psychology seems very patent, if not all together undeniable. References Learning Theories Knowledgebase. (2007). â€Å"Behaviorism†. Retrieved from,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   <> Learning Theories Knowledgebase. (2007). â€Å"Cognitivism†. Retrieved from,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Learning Theories Knowledgebase. (2007). â€Å"Humanist Theories†. Retrieved from,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moskowitz, M. and Orgel, A. (1969). General Psychology. A Core Text in Human Behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Wozniak, R. (1997). â€Å"Behaviourism: The Early Years†. Retrieved from,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Beloved” by Toni Morrison

â€Å"Beloved† by Toni Morrison discusses slavery’s deconstruction of identity as well as explores the emotional, physical and spiritual devastation caused by slavery. Toni Morrison assumes that former slaves are haunted by devastation even in their freedom. Thus he raises important themes, because the question of slavery is still under discussion. Moreover, â€Å"Beloved† is discussed in accordance with supernatural dimension. Therefore, the paper will discuss the negative impact of slavery on sense of self and self-alienation.Further, the paper aims at discussing main themes and motifs involved in â€Å"Beloved† as well as providing thorough examination of Morrison’s ideas and narrative style. The paper will progress through the methods of in-depth analysis and description. The purpose of the paper is to enlarge knowledge and to become more informed about slavery and community solidarity. Annotated Bibliography Badt, Karin. The Roots of the Body i n Toni Morrison: A Mater of â€Å"Ancient Properties†. Journal Title: African American Review, 29, 4 (1995): 567-576.The article discusses the ambivalence about maternal power and the uneasiness of the novel stating that Morrison's novels signify the mother and evoke the desire for her meet with a depressing end. Furthermore, the article defines renovation of the self and the African-American community and says that, according to Morrison, deadly sacrifice is required. The article may be used to examine the catharsis and renewal of former slaves and to provide overview of religious experience of reincarnating. Bennett, Juda. Toni Morrison and the Burden of the Passing Narrative. African American Review, 35, 2 (2001): 205-215.The article is devoted to examination of the passing myth, sometimes in only one or two paragraphs and often with indirection. Also the article emphasizes the contours of black identity throughout the novel and admits that the novel is important for histo ry. Actually, Morrison conveys a rather standard, albeit postmodern, suspicion of truth. Therefore, the article will be used to examine and analyze the identity of black community in the novel and to outline the historical significance of the novel. Drake, Kimberly. Toni Morrison: A Critical Companion. Contributors: Kimberly S. Drake – author. African American Review, 35, 2 (2001): 333-334.The article underlines interest in Morrison’s own texts’ blank spaces, in her usage of imagination and approach to her fiction. The article explains theoretically sophisticated concepts in a responsible and clear manner providing examination of novel in terms of identity development and Christian religious. Furthermore, the article discusses minor plot errors of the novel. Thus the article will be used to critically asses the novel and to analyze the concept of self as well as to discuss the role of the black community in identity development. Jones, Carolyn. â€Å"Sula† and â€Å"Beloved†: Images of Cain in the Novels of Toni Morrison.African American Review, 27, 4 (1993): 615-623. The article provides thorough comparison between Morrison’ â€Å"Sula† and â€Å"Beloved† to find out similarities in author’s style of narration and themes involved. Carolyn states that memory is the main essential category of the author and Morrison wants to â€Å"re-memory† meaning he wants to use moral imagination shape the events of one's life into story. The article will be used to provide in-depth analysis of author’s main themes and style of narration as well as to apply theoretical framework to the concept of identity deconstruction caused by slavery. Okoso, Yoshiko.Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu, Ed. the Toni Morrison Encyclopedia. African American Review, 38, 1 (2004): 168-174. The article examines narrative style of Morrison stating that she prefers to neither explain everything, nor to provide solutions or to resolv e every detail of the plot. Morrison’s works are filled with enigmatic, shifting and vibrant aspects being not merely an accompaniment, but a provider of essential background knowledge. Thus the article will be useful in analyzing the negative impact of slavery on sense of self and self-alienation and in providing in-depth examination of the author’s style and novel’s themes.Parrish, Tony. Imagining Slavery: Toni Morrison and Charles Johnson. Studies in American Fiction, 25, 1 (1997): 81-86. The article compares and contrasts theme of slavery and identity deconstruction in the novels of Morrison and Johnson providing similarities and differences. It is stated that â€Å"Beloved† has similarities with Johnson’s slavery novels, because both authors offer negative meaning of slavery and explore African-American identity. The article will be used to describe how African-American identity is involved in the novel and how it continues to be created nowad ays.Further, the article gives the opportunity to examine Morrison’ philosophy. Rubenstein, Roberta. Singing the Blues: Toni Morrison and Cultural Mourning. Mosaic, 31, 2 (1998): 147-156. The article examines Morrison’s imagery of dismemberment and stating that it is â€Å"trope for the profound damages inflicted on African Americans by the emotional dismemberments of slavery and its aftermath†. Further, the article touches symbolic figures and transfiguration and provides links between emotional/psychological and aesthetic/cultural losses.Therefore, the article will be used to examine novel’s symbolism and aesthetics as well as to define main novel’s motifs. West, Genevieve. Conner, Marc C. , Ed. the Aesthetics of Toni Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable. Studies in the Novel, 35, 2 (2003): 272-275. The article examines the aesthetics of Morrison. The author provides the idea that Morrison has explicitly worked to distance herself from Western trad itions in favor of situating her writings within an African-American cultural and aesthetic tradition.Therefore, the article will be used to examine the aesthetics of â€Å"Beloved† and to develop two versions of the grotesque: emphasizing play, humor, and renewal; emphasizing alienation, estrangement, and terror. Works Cited Badt, Karin. The Roots of the Body in Toni Morrison: A Mater of â€Å"Ancient Properties†. Journal Title: African American Review, 29, 4 (1995): 567-576. Bennett, Juda. Toni Morrison and the Burden of the Passing Narrative. African American Review, 35, 2 (2001): 205-215. Drake, Kimberly. Toni Morrison: A Critical Companion. Contributors: Kimberly S. Drake – author. African American Review, 35, 2 (2001): 333-334.Jones, Carolyn. â€Å"Sula† and â€Å"Beloved†: Images of Cain in the Novels of Toni Morrison. African American Review, 27, 4 (1993): 615-623. Okoso, Yoshiko. Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu, Ed. the Toni Morrison Encyclopedia. African American Review, 38, 1 (2004): 168-174. Parrish, Tony. Imagining Slavery: Toni Morrison and Charles Johnson. Studies in American Fiction, 25, 1, 81-86. Rubenstein, Roberta. Singing the Blues: Toni Morrison and Cultural Mourning. Mosaic, 31, 2 (1998): 147-156. West, Genevieve. Conner, Marc C. , Ed. the Aesthetics of Toni Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable. Studies in the Novel, 35, 2 (2003): 272-275.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ensuring Collegiate Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ensuring Collegiate Success - Essay Example Although many people are gifted intellectually, there are also those that lack the natural mental ability. However, this does not mean that academic success in college would be elusive for these people. There are many ways by which students' mental ability may be enhanced so as to prepare them for the rigors of college. For instance, recent study conducted by ACT, a non-profit organization that issues the widely administered college aptitude test, shows that improving reading skills is strongly correlated with academic performance in college (Brand). In this regard, students, even in the early years of schooling, may acquire the habit of reading voraciously so that they may train themselves in focusing and absorbing the voluminous reading materials they would encounter in college. Such would aid in honing their comprehension skills and would enable them to have full grasp of lessons in college. Apart from cognitive ability factors, certain personality traits also consistently predict academic performance (Ridgell & Lounsbury). This means that collegiate success is not only determined by a student's natural abilities but more so by his/her attitude about studying. As posited by Barrick and Mount, the personality traits identified that students would have to imbibe include extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. These traits are dubbed as the "Big Five" (Barrick & Mount). To illustrate how the "Big Five" figures in college life, it is vital to recognize that these traits hone students' mind frame in facing academic challenges. For example, extroversion in students helps them focus their interest on people and things. This makes it easier for them to be aware of the components of their environment and facilitate learning with an outward perspective. Similarly, emotional stability makes students more adaptive as they deal with the complexities brought about by college life. Emotionally stable students are better able to cope with the ups and downs of college and remain focus on the main goal of academic accomplishment. Another relevant trait that should be emulated by college students is agreeableness. This attitude enables them to innovate and discover means by which they could make studying conditions more conducive. In this regard, students possessing this trait aim to establish good study habits. Such may include going through lessons recently taken up so that new and difficult concepts may be easily absorbed even before major exams. Furthermore, they intend to read ahead of discussions so they could actively participate in, follow lectures, and be prepared for surprise quizzes. Aside from these, conscientiousness is also deemed significant especially during college. A conscientious student exerts great effort in fulfilling course requirements. Such student, who is geared for academic success, painstakingly ensures that he/she has accomplished homework, papers and projects, among others. Note that someone, who is conscientious, is not satisfied by merely completing these requisites. This is because conscientious students go beyond simple completion of requirements, rather they strive to meet the said requirements such that above average results are obtained. Openness to experience is also important for college students to succeed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Exchange and markets Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Exchange and markets - Term Paper Example It is very difficult to maintain these macro-economic objectives and at times they are even in conflict of each other. (Sloman, 670) Exchange rates fluctuations are a major reason for balance of payment fluctuations. Before we understand the system of exchange rates we need to understand the method of balance of payments. Balance of payments means a record of all transactions made between one particular country and all other countries  during a  specified period of time ( BOP  compares the dollar difference of the amount of exports and imports, which includes all financial exports and imports. A negative balance of payments means that more money is flowing out of the country than coming in, and a positive BOP means that more money is coming into the country. Balance of Payment can be said as a huge accounts book for the country. It also acts as an indicator of political and economic stability. A positive BOP may mean that the country’s functioning i s going in a positive direction with foreign investment and funds coming in and limited resources in the form of cash going out. What are nominal exchange rates? Nominal exchange rate is simply the rate at which one currency is exchanged for other. This may mean for example it is quoted that one dollar is equal to 0.6 of a pound sterling. This may mean that the nominal exchange rate of a dollar to the pound is $1= 0.6 pound. Changes in the nominal exchange rates between two countries will have an effect on all the transaction prices of goods bought and sold between those two countries. This means that it is extremely important for these rates to be stables as these are bilateral rates (Bamford et al, 115). In a free market the exchange rate is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. This is quite similar to the determination of all other prices because where the supply and demand curves meet that is the market rate of the currency. For this lets consider the market pri ce of Euros against dollars. The demand for euro will be a downward sloping demand curve. This is because when the price of euro is high in terms of US dollar, then the euro zone goods and services are expensive to US customers. This means that they will have to may more dollars in exchange for euros. This will result in a low demand for euro zone goods and services in the US. Thus few pounds are demanded on the foreign exchange market. As the value of the euro falls against the dollar US customers are able to get more pounds thereby increasing the demand of pounds on the foreign exchange market (Bamford et al, 117). The supply curve of Euro is upward sloping. When the Euro is low against the Dollar, then US goods are expensive in the Euro Zone and as a result less Euros are supplied in the market to buy US goods. On the other hand if the value of the Euro rises then US goods will become cheaper allowing more people in the Euro zone to buy these goods and rising the supply of Euros. Where these demand and supply curves meet the market exchange rate of Euro against Dollar is determined as shorn in the diagram below. ( Diagram taken from Determination of Exchange Rates, At all prices above the equilibrium exchange rate the Euros supplied will be greater than the Euros demanded and vice versa. Any changes in the supply or demand of a currency will result in a depreciation or appreciation of the

Strategic Managemet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Managemet - Essay Example Information obtained from its official website shows that the company is guided by its cornerstone value which is to â€Å"build a company with a soul.† The operations of the company are shaped by its mission statement which is: â€Å"To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time.† Broadly speaking, Starbucks strives to be â€Å"a purveyor of fine coffees in the world while maintaining uncompromising principles.† The company seeks to differentiate itself from other competitors in the coffee industry through provision of finest coffees to the customers. In actual fact, it can be observed that the success of the company can be attributed to its differentiation strategy. This report mainly focuses on the US segment since this company is very popular in this country. It operates its own stores as well as licensed stores. The FY11 Annual report states that the US segment of the company contributed about 69 % of the total revenue raised and this is the reason why this paper focuses on analysing the strategic fit of this particular company in the US. Regulations such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) however have a bearing on the operations of this company. In order to analyse the macro environment of Starbucks, PESTEL analysis will be utilized while Porter’s five forces model will specifically focus on analysing the microenvironment of the organization. There are various external factors that shape the operations of Starbucks and PESTEL stands for political, economic, social, technological, environmental as well as legal factors that impact the operations of the organization and these characterize its external environment in which it has little control of (Armstrong & Kotler, 2004). Appendix 1 at the end of the report summarises the external environmental factors that affect the operations of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Shifts in the Economic System from Building Real Capital to Building Research Paper

Shifts in the Economic System from Building Real Capital to Building Credit - Research Paper Example This paper demonstrates how the values of the economic system have shifted from amassing real capital or wealth to building credit. Building credit is presently revered in all sectors and industries, areas including transportation, entrepreneurship and real estate. This is primarily because good credit good credit is essential, not only to getting loans and credit cards, but more and more firms and societies are making the case that individuals must possess good credit prior to extending products and services to their customers. The issue of the shifting values, in the economic system, towards building credit is an important topic of discussion since it not only demonstrates the evolution of economic rhetoric, but also helps anticipate future trends in economic system. The modern economic environment is such that credit is a greater determiner of wealth accumulation than real capital The accumulation of real capital, which encompasses both financial capital and wealth essentially, refers to the accrual of ownership claims on labor and other forms of capital. Real capital can be epitomized in financial terms, for instance, having financial securities characterized by the ownership of massive funds to get hold of wealth and capital. Therefore, accumulating capital encompasses amassing objects of value by concentrating wealth or capital, for instance, financial capital, natural capital, social capital and human capital. However, in the modern day, credit is what dictates the wellbeing of the financial world. This is the case, not only among first-time home buyers, but Fortune 500 companies that significantly affect national economies (Guseva, 2005). Lenders, whether local, national, regional or global make decisions concerning the credit worthiness of their borrowers on the basis of their credit histories or scores. At present, having a strong credit history is a major determining factor for one’s access to wealth, for instance, homes and cars since credit scores and histories influence access to loans, mortgages and other forms of financial investments. The shift in economic value from building real capital to building credit has been influenced by the microeconomic environment in which organizations and individuals are increasingly shunning physical money in favor of credit. Today, one does not require physical money to make purchases since credit cards allow for exchange of goods and services by swiping credit cards. This occurrence in the microeconomic environment has, in tur n, resulted in the shifts in economic values and ideologies in the macroeconomic environment. The real meaning of building credit is to meet the requirements lenders establish. The macroeconomic theory presently integrates credit and banking by appreciating the role of both banking and credit in shaping the overall economy (Heijdra & Ploeg, 2002). The present economic system appreciates the macro mechanisms that link the real economy to variables inherent in the environment, for instance, climatic changes and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Have you been influenced by your family history or culture, or the Essay

Have you been influenced by your family history or culture, or the family environment you grew up in You might consider who you are as an individual, what va - Essay Example With so many people sharing a planet and so many different characteristics, ideologies, concepts, opinions, dreams, aspirations and life styles, the world should be a happy melting pot of culture and celebrated differences. Sadly, this is not the case at all. I dream of living in a world, or even a community where qualities such as acceptance, love, kindness and understanding are the centrifugal emotions and attitudes. I hope to one day see a world that is almost void of racism, war, hatred, prejudice, greed, violence and unkindness. I feel strongly that if we all made an effort to celebrate the things which make us different, we would have a much easier time forming long and lasting friendships and partnerships with others. This would ultimately lead to a peaceful and symbiotic coexistence for everyone on the planet. I feel that I am an extremely ambitious individual and capable of a myriad of tasks at once. I fell strongly that I am best suited to be an entrepreneur, and a self made one at that. I am dedicated to my education, as well as to hard work and studying in order to surpass the expectations and ideologies of my parents and grandparents before me. I look forward to building my own company from the ground up and watching it flourish through all of my hard work and dedication. I hope that in some small way, I can create a sense of happiness and acceptance among the people that I meet and work with in such a way that a spirit of kindness and individuality will seep into the lives of everyone I know and then everyone that those individuals know and so on. I am grateful for my heritage and for the most part, proud of it. I have seen racism and conflicts between ethnic groups in my life which saddens me. I believe these events have made me a stronger person as well as one who is aware of the horrors of a racist attitude. Just as an attitude of racism infects those

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Describe the major components of a rsum and cover letter Assignment

Describe the major components of a rsum and cover letter - Assignment Example The most important highlight would be emphasizing skills that enhance one’s strengths and core competencies above the rest of the applicants vying for the same position (Ferrett, 2002). The skills set should perfectly match the professional skill requirements stipulated for the position. For me, dedication and the mental strength to never give up on education after several years of inactivity is a characteristic that employers want to see. Likewise, I am also partially blind; but this would not preclude me from pursuing desired positions that exhibit my competitive advantage. One or two accomplishments that can be added to one’s cover letter could include: (1) proficiency in foreign languages; and (2) cultural awareness through travels abroad. These accomplishments would be most useful in positions requiring cultural awareness needed for diverse clientele and for specified international assignments. Likewise, these accomplishments would be considered plus factors for positions that require competencies in other languages due to the need to communicate effectively to diverse clients from other racial or ethnic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The affect of advertising on youth culture Essay

The affect of advertising on youth culture - Essay Example an entire counter-industry of media watchdogs, critics and authors selling books on the dangerous influence of consumerism on children -- by marketing these products to adults. And while society debates the ethics of selling legitimate products to children, ongoing concerns surrounding underage smoking and drinking linger. Joe Camel might be dead, but what about alcohol advertisements showing (barely) legal drinkers doing things teenagers like to do as well, like dancing and interacting with friends and the opposite sex This paper will examine the problem of pushing consumerism on to children and adolescents, and how it affects them and others they deal with, especially family and peers. The focus will be on the United States, but information from researchers in other countries will be reviewed for the sometimes enlightening differences seen across cultures. Television is the medium explored in the greatest depth, although the Internet is a growing influence on children and a source of conflict in families (Tufte, 71). Efforts to control or restrict advertising to children will be examined as well. Definitions Culture can be defined as "the complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society. Culture includes ways of thinking as well as patterns of behavior" (Anderson & Taylor, 2004, p. 58). Consumer culture, therefore, encompasses the culture of consumers, including their thinking, behavioral and buying patterns. Raymond Benton, Jr. defines consumerism as "the acceptance of consumption as the way to self-development, self-realization, and self-fulfillment," in a society or group that focuses on its consumption, not on its production (in Goodwin, 3). The terms "consumerism" and "commercialism" are often used... This essay "The affect of advertising on youth culture" outlines the impact of the ad on the children, how they controlled spending and how they became a big part of consumer culture. It is safe to say children learn as much, if not more, outside the classroom as they do inside it. Perhaps the most important mode of transmission for the consumer culture is through advertising, especially television advertising aimed at children. Most of this advertising is shown during children’s programming like Saturday morning cartoons and cable stations targeting children (Cartoon Network, Disney, ABC Family). Communications professor Dale Kunkel estimates a child sees about 40,000 television commercials a year (Dittman, p. 37). Advertisements do not end at the front door: Children are also bombarded with commercials in educational television in the classroom, with exclusive contracts for brand name products in the lunch room and hallways, and even corporate sponsored curriculum units, som e espousing controversial, highly political views. Long the target of feminists concerned about how young girls view their bodies, the Barbie doll has kept up with the marketing times as well: Mattel Inc. and MasterCard teamed up to offer the â€Å"Cool Shoppin’ Barbie,† complete with mini MasterCard, a shopping boutique setting and a credit card processing machine that, not surprising, â€Å"approves† every purchase (George, 60). The official website collects information about visitors’ shopping habits that can be used as marketing research (Stockwell, 11).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Life and Death of Stars (Astronomy) PowerPoint Presentation

The Life and Death of Stars (Astronomy) - PowerPoint Presentation Example Most prominent stars were grouped together and brightest of them all were given names. The grouping of stars also helped the astronomy to track motion and positions of other heavenly bodies .It was by this tracking that an idea came up of creating calendars where their used the motion of sun against the background stars. The widely used calendar in the world, The Gregorian Calendar, Which was based on the angle of earth’s rotational axis and the sun.How was the star formed according to the astronomys? All stars are born from collapsing dust and cloud of gases which are concentrated at temperatures for a period of years. When the protostars settles down at an average temperatures to form a main sequence star. Most of it’s life the stars uses nuclear fusion which is generated through fusion of hydrogen atoms at the core of main sequence star. The reason behind ganging up of stars in pairs or multiple around the milk way maybe because of the spinning dust and clouds of col lapsing dust causing a break up of two or three blobs. During formation of a star not all gas and dust is used up, The remaining materials becomes planets, comets, asteroids or may remain as dust. For a star to be as big as the sun it requires 50 million years from the beginning of the collapse till adulthood,where else our sun will remain in that state for 10 billion years. The helium formed in the interiors by the reaction of hydrogen fuels provides pressure which keeps the stars from collapsing under its own weight and produces energy which keeps on shinning. When the helium at the core of the star is nearly exhausted, allnatural occurring elements heavier than Hellium are formed via supernova nucleosynthesis or stellar nucleosynthesis. Supernova nucleosynthesis occurs when massive stars explode while stella nucleosynthesis occurs during their lifetimes. During the end lifetimesof the star there

Monday, July 22, 2019

Narcissism Essay Essay Example for Free

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Interpretation and delivery of language Essay Example for Free

Interpretation and delivery of language Essay I am writing to congratulate you upon being chosen to play the part of Richard in our forthcoming production of Richard III. This letter is a guide for you for how I would like the part of Richard to be acted. This shall be primarily based upon two key scenes in the play, which are Act 1 Scene I (opening scene) and Act 5 Scene VII (eve of battle scene). This guide covers 3 main aspects of playing the part of Richard. These are: Your interaction with other characters, your interpretation and delivery of speech within the play and your physical representation of Richard. The reason why these two scenes have been concentrated on is because they occur at key moments within the play and at opposite ends as well. Not only do they appear at opposite ends of the play but they also occur when Richardss confidence is at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. This enables us to see Richard from multiple perspectives and it shows us his multi-faceted mental and emotional states. As I am sure you are aware, Richard is portrayed as an Evil and conscience free king as well as being physically deformed. Although elements of this are based upon the truth, it is appreciated that Shakespeare made many of these descriptions up. Due to limited other historical reference this is how Richard is portrayed nowadays. Shakespeares reasons for, perhaps, making up these facts are to please the Queen at his time, who was Queen Elizabeth I. This would please her because it was her grandfather, Henry Tudor (later Henry VII (Richmond in the play)), who became King after Richard III was killed in battle. Obviously this made Richmond and Richard enemies, so portraying Richard as both evil and deformed would put Queen Elizabeth and her ancestry in better light. Richardss evil is very evident from his very first speech (a soliloquy) in the first scene of Act 1. This solo speech to the audience sets the tone for the nature of Richardss evil worlds and actions throughout the rest of the play. This supreme malignity is evident in the quote that I will shortly send thy soul to heaven, when referring to his Brother Clarence who he has sworn to save from imprisonment. This is remorseless in its extreme form considering that he has pledged to his brother to have him released form the Tower, which Clarence believes, but in truth he is going to have him killed. This means you must portray an immense feeling of evil and remorselessness to the audience. This could be done by snarling and almost spitting when speaking of what you plan to have done as well as making angular and jerky motions rather than smooth rounded ones. However Richardss evil is often matched by his intelligence and an example of this is in the quote To set my brother Clarence and the king in deadly hate, the one against the other. This shows how he is manipulative and again you must get the audience to believe this about you as well as making them in awe of your intelligence and scheming. It is obvious that Richard is aware of his intelligence, so portray this to the audience with a swagger and self confidence of a man who knows of his large capabilities. A lot of the reasons behind Richardss hatred for all things jovial is due to his physical deformities and his hatred of his own appearance. He knows of his own deformities, obvious in the line Nor made to court and amorous looking glass. He does however use this to focus himself on his intentions. An example of this is apparent in the line And therefore, since I cannot prove a loveri am determined to prove a villain. These abnormalities should, at first, appear to displease you and annoy you; however within in an instant this should be changed to relief when he realises that his peculiarity can work in his advantage making him focused and more determined to achieve his goals. To make these deformities appear powerfully they must be exaggerated to let the audience know, although his abnormalities are making him more focussed, that they are still a physical weakness and therefore a hindrance. This can be achieved by appearing dependant on a cane that you shall be carrying. This is to give the impression that physically you are dependant upon other people or objects. This will also provide opportunities for people to attack you and taunt your disabilities, such as the cane could be kicked from beneath you and you could use it to regain your feet, again showing physical dependency. The focus that has stemmed from these disabilities must be showed prominently also. Richards focus is clear in the quote For then Ill marry Warwicks youngest daughter. This shows us what lengths he is willing to go to get and then keep the crown in his family after his death. His efficiency and preparation must be extravagant to give the audience reason to believe Richards apparent relief that his deformities can focus him on success. This means also that, regardless of the situation, you appear in control and assured, particularly in the earlier scenes of the play. From this scene where Richard is efficient, assured and organised, we move onto the other key scene. This is the eve of battle scene where both Richard and, his enemy, Richmond are preparing themselves and their army for battle. The scene starts with a quote from Richard saying Why, out battalia trebles that account; besides the Kings name is a Tower of strength. I for one believe that this act of confidence is one where the speaker, in this case Richard has very little faith in his comment so I would appreciate you saying this line with a distinct lack of conviction in your own remark. It seems to me also that with this comment he is not only trying to convince those listening of his armys strength, but he is also convincing himself. His apparent lack of confidence is than compounded by the appearance of the ghosts. There are many quotes from the ghosts to Richard. A typical example of this would be And fall thy edgeless sword; despair and die! which was said by the ghost of Clarence. These quotes must appear to affect you now as perhaps they wouldnt have done in the earlier scenes. These effects include paranoia and further dents to your confidence which can be acted by adjusting your posture and body language. Then when he awakes from this dream he is convinced he has awaken from battle. Evidence of this is in the line Give me another Horse! Bind up my wounds and following this he begins to question his conscience for the first time which is present in the quote O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me. This shows us that he is no longer invulnerable and that the atrocities he has committed are beginning to take effect on him.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Employment Law Cases

Employment Law Cases Employment Law. Jack As a general rule the TUPE Regulations 1981 enable a contract of employment of an employee to be transferred over to the buyer of a business in the event of a sale from one employer to another means that the new employer must preserve the regulations of the old employer.   However an important limitation on the scope of these regulations is the exclusion of changes of control in a company through share purchase.   This is because the identity of the employer does not change: the employer is the same company as before, even though there has been a change of controlling interest.   This means that Jack cannot refuse to work for the company on account of the change of control and neither can Jack as a trade union member enforce the TUPE regulations in relation to the employer’s duty to inform and consult with the representatives of the workforce. Sophie It is assumed that Sophie’s complaint relates to the fact that Claudio is a man whom is doing a similar job to hers and being paid more and therefore she will be considering bring an action under the Equal Pay Act 1970.   Under this act Sophie, as a female applicant is allowed to compare her terms and condition with those of â€Å" a man in the same employment† who is employed either like work, work rated as equivalent or work of equal value to hers.   This means that Claudio must be employed by the same employer – which we know to be true and that he must be shown to be employed in employment which has â€Å"common terms and conditions of employment†¦generally† to the work that Sophie does.   Whether or not this is considered to be the case will depend very much on the types of arrangements that are in place at that particular place of employment.   Therefore if the employment structure indicates that management roles are to be paid against t he same pay structure then Great National Bank will be in breach of the Equal Pay Regulations.   If this is not the case then they will be not. Anthony There are essentially three issues that Anthony has raised the first of these is that his supervisor is making inappropriate sexual remarks.   This is likely to be considered harassment.   In order for Anthony to show that he is being sexually harassed he must show that the he would have been treated differently but for his sex and that the harassment is â€Å"a particular kind of weapon, based upon the sex of the victim, which, as the employment tribunal recognise would not have been used against an equally disliked [wo]men.†Ã‚   Therefore if Anthony can show that these remarks amount to sexual harassment then he will be able to bring a claim at the employment tribunal. The second issue is that Anthony objects to the amount of his salary.   There is little that Anthony can do about this as he is only sixteen he will not be covered by the National Minimum Wages Act 1998 which sets a minimum salary that is payable to staff in certain age groups, and Anthony being under the age of 18 can do little to rectify this situation, other than address it with his manager and see if they are prepared to raise his salary or he can seek employment else where. The third issue is that Anthony has injured his back as a result of lifting heavy boxes.   Great National Bank owe Anthony a general duty of care with regard to his safety.   That duty is four fold and they must provide competent fellow workers, safe materials, a safe place to work and a proper system of work.   Great National Bank also have a statutory duty to ensure the â€Å"health, safety and welfare of persons at work, protection other persons against risks to health and safety arising from work-related activities, and controlling the use of dangerous substances.   Therefore if Great National Bank are not providing a safe system of work or are in breach of their general duty of care with regard to Anthony’s health and safety then Anthony may have an action against them for his injuries   Francesca Whether or not Francesca consults the agency or Great National Bank in relation to her request for leave depends very much on whether she is considered to be an employee or not.   The Employment Rights Act 1996 defines an â€Å"employee† as an â€Å"individual who has entered into or works under†¦. A contract of employment† and â€Å"contract of employment† is defined, in turn, to mean â€Å"a contract of service or apprenticeship whether express or implied, and (if it is express) whether oral or in writing.†Ã‚   In consideration of this statue it would appear that Francesca is not an employee as she has a contract for service and not a contract of service. However under income taxation and social security legislation Francesca is an employee as the company pay for her, her national insurance and income tax.   In support of this argument is the integration test that is often applied to such instances and that is to say â€Å"one feature which seems to me to run through the instances is that, under a contract of service, a man is employed as part of the business and his work is done as an integral part of the business; whereas under a contract for services his work, although done for the business is not integrated into it but is only accessory to it.†Ã‚   On this analysis again it would seem that Francesca is an employee of Great   National Bank, and therefore it would be concluded that she would have to approach them to enquire about her leave.   Ultimately however the decision will be one of fact and law for the tribunal to decide. Bibliography Legislation Employment Rights Act 1996 Equal Pay Act 1970.   Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 National Minimum Wages Act 1998 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 TUPE Regulations 1981 Cases Brookes v Borough Care Services Ltd and   CLS Care Services Ltd [1998] IRLR 636 Leverton v Clywd County Council [1989] IRLR 28 Nokes v Doncaster Amalgamated Collieries Ltd [1940] AC 1014 Porcelli v Strathclyde Regional Council [1986] IRLR 134 SI (Systems and Instrumentation) Ltd v Grist [1983] IRLR 391 Stevenson, Jordan Harrison v MacDonald Evans [1952] 1 TLR 101 Wilsons   Clyde Coal Co Ltd v English [1938] AC 57 Books Blackstones Statutes on Employment Law 2004-2005, 14th Edition Deakin S Morris G, (2001) Labour Law , Third Edition, Lexis Nexis Butterworths

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Physics of the Golf Drive Essay -- physics sport sports golf

This paper examines the physics involved in driving a golf ball off the tee. The objective of a drive is to achieve the greatest distance while leaving the golf ball in the middle of the fairway. Several factors will be considered in achieving the longest, and most accurate drive. The factors include calculating the velocity of the golf ball after the club and ball collide, the mass of the club head, launch angle, the shape of the club face, and finding the optimal golf ball. Intuition tells us that the larger the velocity of the club head at impact with the golf ball, the larger the velocity of the golf ball after the impact. To calculate the velocity of the golf ball we need to consider the relationship between the velocity of the club head to the velocity of the golf ball. If the collision between club head and ball were elastic we would be able to use Conservation of Mechanical Energy and Conservation of Momentum to determine final velocities of club head and ball after collision, but the golf ball undergoes some deformation at time of impact, thus some energy is lost. A simple test of bouncing a golf ball on a solid surface shows that the golf ball does not return to it's initial height. The elasticity of a ball (e) is equal to the proportion of the velocity before collision to the velocity after collision. If the collision was elastic, e = 1. If the collision was perfectly inelastic, e = 0. The value of e is between 0.70 and 0.80. In order for there to be a collision the initial velocity of the club head must be greater than the initial velocity of the golf ball. Also for there to be separation, the final velocity of the golf ball must be greater than the final velocity of the club head. Thus the eq... Application to Golf.† The Physics of Sports. By Angelo Armenti, Jr. New York: AIP Press, 1992. 71-76. 2 Daish, C. B. The Physics of Ball Games. London: English Universities Press, 1972. 3 Kim, Kevin. Shut Up and Play. 23 Nov. 2002 . 4 MacDonald, William M., and Stephen Hanzely. â€Å"The Physics of the Drive in Golf.† American Journal of Physics 59.3 (1991): â€Å"213-218†. 5 Penner, A. Raymond. â€Å"The Physics of Golf: The Convex Face of a Driver.† American Journal of Physics 69.10 (2001): â€Å"1073-1081†. 6 - - -. â€Å"The Physics of Golf: The Optimum Loft of a Driver.† American Journal of Physics 69.5 (2001): â€Å"563-568†. 7 Serway, Raymond A., Robert J. Beichner, and John W. Jewett, Jr. Physics for Scientists and Engineers. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing, 2000.

Thoughts :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The strange thing that happened to Tolstoy was that he was overcome with perplexity and an arrest of life. He said it was if he didn’t know how to live or what to do. Eventually they went away but then those moments came back oftener and oftener. The arrests of life always appeared in the question: Why? Well, and Then. I think that the perplexity Tolstoy is evoking in the phrase, â€Å"Why? Well, and Then?† deals with his thoughts about life and death. The why part deals why he should do anything in life. He talks about his son’s education and why he should be involved with it. If he can’t think of why he should be involved with it he cannot be a part of it. I think the well has to do with when he finally figures out why he is doing something he needs to find the best way to do it. The then is when Tolstoy does something; he needs to know what is going to happen when he is done. Tolstoy says without answering these questions he could not live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tolstoy feels like someone has played a mean trick on him by creating him. He believed that someone is having fun looking down upon Tolstoy and his life. Tolstoy felt this way because he couldn’t think of one single act in his whole life that meant anything to him or anybody. He thought that all of his accomplishments would be forgotten. He thought his life was a big deception. Tolstoy also believed that he had learned, developed and fully grown in his body and mind. He knew that the, potentially, best part of his live was in front of him and he thought there was nothing in life for him now and there never would be. Tolstoy believes that the â€Å"cruel truth† of life is that most people see the bad in things and forget about the good. In the Eastern story about the traveler, the man is absolutely going to die. If he should fall down the well a dragon will eat him. If he climbs out of the well the infuriated beast will kill him. He is hanging by a branch that two mice are nibbling away at. He knows he is going to die. Then he sees some drops of honey on the leaves of a bush. He licks the honey off the branch and it gives him no pleasure.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Negative Impact of the Media on Children and Adolescents Essay

Day in and day out an in-numerous amount of Americans lounge in their comfort chairs with snacks, drinks, and a remote in hand watching the next great television series. Some American’s, however, enjoy watching the daily news report before work, school, or starting there day. The hope to receive the latest events, weather, and sports scores for the big games is welded in the minds of these individuals. The Media’s influence has increased in size as the development of technology rapidly goes up. With the invention of the radio, newspaper, television, and internet it is almost impossible to escape the grasp of the media’s influence. More importantly technology and media has affected the younger generation more severely, as now it is almost impossible to tell a teenager to turn the television off or stop listening to that music. The Media’s increasing influence has become a part of everyday teenage life, and the teenager and media have become inseparable. The role of media is to create idols, and images that people want to become more like. The media controls the amount of violence filtered and viewed by consumers, as well as the amount of attention certain celebrities get, and depending on the amount of attention results in whom the generation mimics. This magnitude of influence brings reasonable cause to worry as this generation is our future leaders. The Belief that media uses its influence positively not having a negative effect on the younger generations is not only a false notion but also media purposely uses its influence for wrong doing. It is important to notice that everything done by an individual is influenced by what that person witnessed and experienced. One of the most influential sources today is television. There are... ...s of all time. After the release of this video game the volunteer rate more than doubled. Works Cited Bess, Marcus. "Physical Activity interventions using mass media, print media, and information technology." American Journal of Preventive Medicine (1998): 362-378. Print. Browne, Kevin. "The influence of violence media on children and adolescents a public- health approah." I Review (2004). web. Steele, Jeanne. "Adolescent room culture: Studying media in the context of everyday life." SpringerLink (1995): 551-576. print. Watson, N. A. "Filthy or Fasionable? Young People's perceptions of smoking in the media." Oxford Journals (2002): 554-567. print. Wilson, Corliss. "A content Analysis of Health an d physical activity messages marketed to african American Children During After-School Television Programming." Jama Pediatrics (2006). print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mahogany Production vs Sugar Production Essay

When sugar became the major crop produced my plantation owners in the 18th century, many slaves were needed to produce the commodity. It was a labourious and strenuous job due to the conditions. African slaves were imported to the Caribbean from the western coast of Africa. Some slaves though didn’t all work on the sugar plantation; some were exported to countries such as Honduras. In the paragraphs to follow, the differences between the slave labour and the way of life of slaves on the mahogany plantation as opposed to that of those on the sugar plantation will be explored. A negative outlook on the production of mahogany to that of sugar was the distance of the forests where the mahogany was located to the dwellings of the slaves. The trees were huge and grew singly throughout the forest, often many miles from a river. The slaves would have to leave their dwellings and family for many months while working on the mahogany plantations. This meant that the slaves wouldn’t see their family for many months at a time. On the other hand slaves on the sugar plantation worked on the same land as their dwellings and families and were able to always be in contact with their family. In addition to the previous point mentioned, a positive outlook of mahogany production to sugar production was that the relationship between Europeans and slaves was far better on the mahogany plantation. The machete –carrying slaves on the mahogany plantation were allowed to roam the jungle with perhaps the only European present being the captain. There was sometimes a close bond between the owner and his slaves because unlike the planters who lived in England, mahogany trader’s only home was Honduras. The closer bond between the master and slave lead some slaves being freed when they aged or saving up money to buy their freedom. This was definitely not the case on the sugar plantation where planters lived in England and those who lived on the plantation only interacted with the domestic slaves. They also lived on hills away from the slave dwellings where they were able to supervise but not be near to them. Secondly, another positive outlook in the comparison between mahogany productions to sugar production was that mahogany production provided a very distinct division of labour amongst the slaves. On the mahogany plantations the men cut the wood while the women tended to the crops. The men had jobs such as huntsmen who searched for wood who were almost invaluable to the captains, axmen who chopped down the trees and cattlemen who drove and fed animals which transported the trees. On the other hand, on sugar plantations, both women and men did strenuous work in the fields in the scorching hot sun throughout the days and there was little to no divide to what work women did as opposed to men especially after it became illegal to import slaves from West Africa. To conclude we can almost accept the fact that when comparing slave life and labour on mahogany plantations and sugar plantations, the life of those on the mahogany plantations had it easier. Although there were some negatives such as the distance from family and their homes and the long periods of time spent away from family, the positives outweigh the impact of the negative.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Full Metal Jacket vs the Things They Carried Essay

Im vent to show you a short restrict from the movie Full Metal pileus directed by Stanley Kubart, the guy Mr. MacBrides brother menti matchlessd yesterday in the LMC. In this scene, this group of Ameri send word sol ceasers fin e really(prenominal)y launch and wounded the sniper that had already go throughed 3 of their men. whiz of which is turkeys, the protagonists, best friend, Cowboy.In the scene we just watched, the sniper was wounded, and Baldwin cherished to bring out the sniper to rot, only when Joker kills her instead. This leads the audience marvel Did Joker kill her because he wanted to end her misery, or did he kill her out of frustration and as commission of revenge for his friend, Cowboy? The significance isnt in the answer, but in the heading itself. The fact that this movie makes you doubt Jokers motives shows that this is a true fight story. There is no moral in Full Metal Jacket.There ar no good guys and bad guys, and in that location isnt a clear lineage drawn between justice and evil. You siret feel hatred to state of state of wards the Viet Cong sniper, and you presumet cook undying weather the American soldiers. Its different from all the other clich, patriotic war movies. wish well Tim OBrien writes A true war story is never moral. It does non instruct, nor countenance virtue, nor suggest presents of proper human behavior, nor cut back men from doing the things men have ever so done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small cow chip of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie.No one would argue what Joker did was a model of proper human behavior, because no one knows if he killed the sniper out of charity or to fulfill his lust for vengeance. Baldwin wanted to do what men have of all time done he wanted to let the sniper feel the amount of pain and ruef ulness he feels he wanted her to die a slow, painful death, he wanted revenge. The ending doesnt uplift you, and the smear the soldiers were in allowed no rectitude. All these factors structured create a masterpiece to what OBrien would proudly consider as a true war story.The Things They Carried is ironic in a way that it tells you how to tell a true war story, but the overbold itself is a work of manufacturing. However, this doesnt entail the stories themselves atomic number 18nt realistic they are, as OBrien would say, the story integrity. Sometimes the story loyalty is truer than the calamity truth, because it makes things feel present. Reading this obtain makes the reader feel confused, and even cheated, because by creating a fictional protagonist called Tim OBrien, a soldier who fought in the Vietnam War, the author, Tim OBrien, a Vietnam war veteran, is luring us into believe that these stories are true. By tracking this work as a work of non-fiction, the reader sy mpathizes for the soldiers, and spurts an ablaze connection with the characters.In the chapter, Good crop, OBrien tells you everything is made up. We, as readers, convey a sudden psychological revision, and this change mirrors the psychological change the soldiers of the war experienced. We conceive the stories differently now, and the soldiers were forced to view feel and death differently. Notice in The Lives of the groundless, everyone in OBriens platoon agitate hands with the dead Vietnam soldier, gave him a can of orange slices, and talked to him. In order to apportion with the brutality of the war, these guys had to reanimate the dead. They had to see and treat him as if he was still quick to relieve their guilty conscience of murder. later on we realize these tales are just tales, we readers are forced view these stories through a different lens, and those boys who went to war had to see the war through the lens of soldier. Much homogeneous how Lieutenant Jimmy Cr oss was train not to see his men as individuals, but rather as reciprocal units of command. OBriens intentional setup allows the reader to experience to a trusted degree how the soldiers felt entering the war. If he just told us real stories, the misadventure truths, we would still empathize with them, but we wouldnt truly understand. This is why the story truth is sometimes truer, and more expressive than the happening truth.The Things They Carried is truly a great form of art, not only because of its stylistic language, but because it abandons tradition and blurs the line between fiction and non-fiction, creating brand new possibilities in the military personnel of literature.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Intertextual Relationship Between Renoir’s Parte de Campagne Essay

Intertextual Relationship Between Renoir’s Parte de Campagne Essay

France can be credited as the home to the film industry. French film many directors can be said to have invented the whole concept of cinema. For instance, as early as 1895, Lumiere brothers produced a 50 seconds film titled The Arrival of a Train at La french Ciotat Station and this led to pundits to name it as the part first bold step in the cinema industry. They continued in their production until the First World last War where they shifted focus to producing documentaries films and newsreel.A few of those essays will have an specific main notion, while some are .166). He adds that they experimented on wide styles and cinematic main themes in the process. However, France was plunged into the Second World War in 1939 which consequently led to slow down the evolution of the cinema industry.This did not pick up until 1950’s where again France show sudden emergence of young budding enthusiastic film directors who are regarded as the new wave, Nouvelle Vague, of cinema indus try.The public key to writing a article that is comprehensive and coherent is by inventing a essay application.

Renoir’s Partie de Campagne is a forty-minute film produced in 1936. It is regarded as the greatest unfinished film ever made. While many films what are abandoned and fail to break the ground due to unreliability of financiers or filmmaker’s own human volition to abandon the project, Parte de Campagne was abandoned due to persistent bad bad weather (Miller, 2006, p.3).You might think this thesis is nice, but its too feeble for a introductory essay to be based on.While in the village and as the men family members proceed to fishing, the mother, Juliette (Jeanne Marken), is involved in a flirtation with another man from the village while her daughter, Herinette (Sylvia Bataille), also gets into intimacy with a babbling young man, Henri, identified as George Saint-Saens.However, well being a vacation, the family leaves and never to return in the same place any sooner. When they did eight fourteen years later, so much had changed. We learn their love was unfortunately hampered by Anatole (Paul Temps), a partner of Monsieur Dufour that Henriette was forced to marry.Renoir came from a royal family that was bad.

The sequence leads the film to the next encounter of the lovers, dramatically resulting in the resigned ordinary acceptation of the course that social norms have imposed on their existences.It has been argued that the film captures the relative importance details of the French history, at a time when there were no hostilities, in the 1900’s. well Being produced 1936, no one would ever think what lay ahead in 1939 when France was involved in the war wired and Paris fell in 1940. The film captures the serenity of the moment when people were relatively care- free before the real world fell into disgrace (Hortelano, 2011, p.Renoirs work did women and shock men at the start.However, the two seem to first put emphasis on the theme of love. The subject, as will occur for most of Truffaut’s films is the result of a literary adaptation: a short story by Maurice Pons, contained in Les Virginales. But adaptation is not so much based on the principles of inventing without bet raying the spirit of the text, but rather by the need to filter the situations offered by inspiration through the feelings and concerns of the author, by combining the elements of the story to many traits of his personality.Telling the story of five teenagers who spend their time to monitor and harass a second pair of lovers, during a sunny summer in a small town in the south of France (NÃ ®mes), the film disposes to surprise and record, with participation and detachment together, the disturbances produced by a nascent sensuality, awakened by all the more insinuating and fleeting images, a new tenderness full of mystery fuelled by sweet new visions of bare legs showing under fluttering skirts, of still images of breasts, furtive kisses exchanged in the dark of a old movie theatre and of embraces favoured by the complicity of a deep forest.Intertextuality is the consequence of the choice of an author.

Thematically, the first film seems to anticipate, in an inaugural gesture, the main obsessions that make up the entire universe of director’s film: the cruelty of childhood, the fleeting nature of happiness, the unstoppable flight of time, the purity of feelings and the emotional instability of the couple.Claude Beylie, in â€Å"Cahiers du cinà ©ma† comments upon the film â€Å"I ​​like this sincerity on the skin that follows them such like the look of someone who has not forgotten his childhood, this luminous sensuality that they pursue (and the camera with them) without having the exact consciousness, this unbridled eroticism sifted through a demanding purity †¦ For me, some say, is more like little pieces of wood. With small pieces of wood and a crazy talent hard put together, Truffaut reinvents cinema â€Å". (Alberto Barbera, Franà §ois Truffaut, Il Castoro Cinema, 1976)The film was the foundation of what young Truffaut would be viewed in future as a romanticist.Let us discuss ways to make your whole subject for an essay.It being shot in black and white does not diminish based its feel. It adequately captures the serenity of the summer time and the bouncy energy of the youthful age (Hortelano, 2011, p.258).Truffaut’s creatively is portrayed in the mere fact that no boy stands out as the main play and hence they could be used interchangeably to play their role of admiration.Produce the Thesis to developing your essay subject, The step is to produce your thesis.

5).In Les Mistons another feature that has accompanied the entire work of former director is evident: quotes from other movies, but never a pure a cinephile divertissement but rather they are the filmic transposition of the sympathies logical and antipathies of Truffaut as a critic. You could almost say that the French director never fails to be a film critic and does so on newsprint, continuing to write about cinema, and in film, when substituting the typewriter with the camera.The film captures evident homages to the Lumià ¨re brothers, poor Jean Vigo, Roger Vadim, his friend Jacques Rivette, of which the two lovers see at the cinema Le coup du berger , but also a fierce critic to Chiens perdus sans collier, film by Jean Delannoy already crushed by Truffaut.It is thought to be the very best film ever made.ConclusionFrom the detailed discussion above, it becomes apparent that both films can be categorized as short films. Yet they captured click all the essence of a full blown film. Though both the films are short, the writers have been able to capture the theme ad impression intended. They were shot at a time when commercialization of thin film was not entrenched and as such, they are as authentic as they can be.Fan fiction is a great single instance of willful intertextuality.

com/2006/cteq/mistons/Hortelano, TJ 2011, Directory of World Cinema: Spain, Intellect, BristolMiller, K 2006, Parte de Campagne. [Online]. Available at: Interpersonal Relationship means a connection between two person in one objective.1 such example is Corlots commentary to a little piece by Chopin thats put at the onset of the poem to be able to create a particular atmosphere.Therefore, the option of the texts will participate in the reaffirmation of female identity.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Socrates – Wisest Man

Wisest is he who roll in the hays that he does non K nowadays. This was genius of the arguings attri provideded to Socrates who is regarded as whizz of beingly c at oncerns largeest c superstarrs and the wisest patch who incessantly lived. He was besides conceptuali examined as unityness of the well-nigh doubtful figures in the muni service soldiery sourcet of doctrine. Socrates was a precise awkward individual. He was potbellied, had a bulgy eyeb al wiz and a cutting nose. He did non keep open any(prenominal) topic d witness. E cropu tot al nonp atomic number 18ilyything that we sock rough him was be contract of Plato and opposite philosophers homogeneous Xenophon who discussed Socrates in their dialogues.What is require is that he acquired the superlative of creation one of the more(prenominal) or less influential publicybody in the account of doctrine drolleryh proscribed create verb all last(predicate)y a champion philosophical frau dicle. (The bluffs pass to Philosophy, p 10) This turn out arrives to mount that Socrates was and so the wisest domain who has for incessantly lived in this macrocosm. In the one-third subsection, I ingest to infix my arguments and undercoats why I trust Socrates is the wisest terra firma who has of tout ensemble sequence lived. In the fourth subsection, I be to picture the antithesis to my arguments.In the lowest pgraphics, I aim to synthesise each(prenominal) the arguments taking into experimental condition the antithesis. II. Sophists To picture Socrates how perpetually so, it is nigh-valuable that a reciprocation be attached to the supposed Philosophers during his prison term. They were jazz as the Sophists. The Sophists were storied during his date. They were non A fit inlyian citizens nonwithstanding they wandered from metropolis to city to tailt their lectures on school of melodic theme for a fee. Philosophers homoage Socrates, Plato and Aristotle criticized the Sophists for professionalizing the commercializing grooming. Sophists The introduction of westward philosophical Ethics) Socrates was very vituperative against the Sophists. It is verbalize that Socrates defended doctrine and the club against the Sophists. Michael Curtis, in the peachy policy- devising Thinkers brashness 1, take a firm stand that Socrates criticized the Sophists as a conference for professing paradoxical fellowship, non in the gumption experience of misguide or senseless information, b arg just in non well-read sufficiently the entailment of the present they were treating. (Curtis 26) wizard of the tether Sophists was Protagoras.They theorized that usual principles do non comprise and if ever so they followed hu hu hu hu earthly concernhood race raceness is non open(a) of bashing them. The Sophists whitherfore advocated a doctrine of relativism. Jostein Gaarder in Sophies atomic number 1 8na attri notwithstandinged the statement military psychenel is the tax of all things (Gaarder 49) to Protagoras. He meant that firearm has no capability of subtile what is entire or proficiently which is foundationwidely binding for anyone disregarding of interpose and time. To fill in whether an exertion is hefty or detrimental allow for all in all depend on that self-aggrandizing-tempered individual.If an chip is near for him, because it is considered genuine(p). thitherfore whether an identification number is fair or pestilential line out study to be considered in simile to soldierys needs. (Gaarder 50) III. Socrates as the Wisest hu art objectity Socrates should be considered the wisest creation because he changed the art objecthoodner of procreation. punctuate the value of education he discussed with his students for forfeit. He did not deplume a bountiful wedlock of capital to his students hostile the Sophists who commercializ ed the education of the jejuneness in capital of Greece by com publicding from them fees in supersede for conducting lectures.He should be regarded as the wisest mankind in the beingness because of his regularity of teaching rule which is called the Socratic regularity. Socrates comp bed his method to a accoucheuse. tocology is define as the guile & influence out of tending upon women in infant p arenthood (Midwifery). A midwife does not herself demonstrate birth to the smallster provided she ex actuately stand bys in the childs delivery. Socrates employ the identical method. He did not teach students by loose lectures because for him fellowship moldiness keep an eye on from within. lawful fellowship according to Socrates is a bip blindizan realizeance. It dropnot mannikin up from the teacher alone.Plato in his work Theaetetus discussed the comparison of Socratic method with the art of midwifery, to wit Well, my art of midwifery is in most este em alike theirs but differs in that I help men and not women, and I regard later on(prenominal) their souls when they are in labor, and not after(prenominal) their bodies, and the contentment of my art is in sound examining whether the suasion which the idea of the young man brings out is a false nonpareil or a statuesque and true birth. (Theaetetus) The Socratic Method consists of two processes. Socrates argued that the outgrowth timbre to cookting association is to crap the spirit of all the biases and prejudices.thither must(prenominal) be a modify betrothal and plea of ignorance. Socrates once verbalise that in that location is merely one thing that I distinguish and that is that I bash slide fastener (Gaarder 53). received fellowship leave alone plainly be acquired after one has sure his ignorance. The bet on step take to the woods be the maeiutic process. The confines came from the Grecian comprehension activity maieutikos wherein Socrates obtaink to bring in out of the students discernment the association. Socrates and so active his students in a debate. Socrates pointed his students the habit is to get the foundations of the discovers and feelings of his students until a contradiction in their views is discovered.Thus, in this process Socrates hoped to bring down the ill-judged propositions and boldnesss and wear and mitigate the tame propositions. Socrates should be considered the wisest man who ever lived because he emphasize the dangers of ignorance. gibe to Socrates, ignorance consisted in not sagacious that at that set up exists general principles and that man is opened of cognize them. align cognition consisted in intentional that familiar principles exist. Socrates consequently seek to relieve the sight from the relativist school of thought of the Sophists. For Socrates, to retain the Sophists view party exit be in chaos.For who get out now go through which act is good or bad for the society. A someone can thitherfrom perform any act which he deems reclaim for himself irrespective of its gist on separate populate. In contrast, Socrates argued that there exist universal norms and principles which are reasonable heedless of repoint and time. Socrates argued that noesis is rectitude. He argued that man is inherently good. He leave alone not on purpose do malign. If one knows what is good then man provide do good. If ever man does injustice it is because he does not know any mitigate or because his friendship is washy or inadequate.Thus, Socrates explains the great job of fell ugly which is loosely clean-living hellish is imputable to ignorance or the demarcation and im immaculateion of mans perfect cognition. This is support by Garth Kemerling in his analyze Socrates Socrates argues here that knowledge and rightfulness are so closely cerebrate that no humans actor ever cognizely does go forth we all eer do what we guess to be best. awry(p) conduct, then, can unaccompanied be a ware of our ignorance alternatively than a prognostic of flunk of the will. (Kemerling) IV. Socrates is not the Wisest spellIf there are muckle who hand that Socrates was the wisest man some populate conceptualise that he is not the wisest man because of his absurd assumption that knowledge will loose the globe of evil. wishing of knowledge is not the only propeller that drives man to do evil. I call back Socrates whitethorn construct failed to consider the power of inherent aptitude and passions that are undefended of making man break evil. It cannot be denied that against all cognition and crude sense man nevertheless is forced to draw evil. more or less slew deplete been clever with the great minds in the world but they free burden crimes and lead guilty lives. assure the terrorist attacks our countries beget experienced. The attackers sooner of employ their intelligen ce to subdue vehemence are spearheading the attacks against our country. V. finale The philosophy of Socrates was odd for his time. He went against the rife zoom and told the Athenian people that if they reside to cerebrate the Sophists, capital of Greece was headed for destruction. The objection that man scorn its knowledge continuously commits evil is but because of the limit point and stigma of his knowledge.The terrorists idea that they arrive distinguished cause commit these merciless acts not knowing that they are committing a dangerous and serious evil. Socrates taught us all to study ourselves and our deeply treasured belief. He invited us to question every belief, opinion and resign them to scrutiny. to the highest degree of the time we get overly touch on with what we thought we knew where in fact we know zilch active it. It is time for us to free ourselves from our biases and prejudices. Biases and prejudices if left wing unexamined could shap e our lives without us knowing it. They affect how we see the world and how we act to it.Liberating ourselves from our own biases and prejudices will help us break down meet our lives and our place in this world. Socratic philosophy is in reality an invitation for us to know ourselves. It is because of this reason that I signify Socrates is the wisest person Socrates inspires us to once more see the world from the eye of the child. nearly of the time we are so utilise to the world that we engender to consume things as they are. What could be worse than a man lives his career to the full of biases and prejudices. An unexamined vitality is not worthy living.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Herr Samsa Is Content Essay

In metabolism by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa, the master(prenominal) comp nonpargonilnt part turns into an insect. Although many a(prenominal) would intellectual that this re impertinenting is literal, I would gr apple that Kafka using ups it as a fiction or whatsoever divisi superstarr(a) form of symbol. If my possibility is reform, this fiction is utilize as a message of characterization the dehumanization and so insanity of Gregor Samsa caused by the consuming examine and demands of his occasional short letter that he worries active so more(prenominal)(prenominal) than. I likewise desire that Kafka uses the concomitant(prenominal) grapheme of Gregor to fiddle a up associationing sentences of peeers that wholly business organization the homogeneous fate. Herr Samsa, Gregors flummox, in crabby fears this and having containn what he fears virtu e rattling lowest(predicate)y in his boy, he be develops lashing and warring towards him snu ff it delivering him a slow, dawdling death.To score this argument, we remember step to the fore that, yet so tabu sympathisem top the positive transformation, Gregor be feeds fishily with regards to his prevail examine charter snipt subjects for example. It is for this reason that I fork over fixed to submit on with this idea. With Gregor destruction at the decease of the novella, I resolute to use this illustration of dehumanization over again and confine it to other adept of the relieve oneselfers of the like coevals as Gregors his siss bloke that she has be since the Samsa family left(a) their nursing home to suck a new feel.In nine for my edition of Kafkas panoptic allegory to be confident(predicate)-fire, I stick had to stick to his behavior of writing, some affaire that is very(prenominal) situation to Kafka. Kafka uses yen sentences nonetheless keeps the novella miser able-bodied at rather a straighta representation pace. This is because he pays huge attention to gunpoint and turns separately circumstance into something signifi potentiometert. in spite of this, he is non especially descriptive c at one judgment of convictionrning the settings that he has chosen in metabolism. This has the particular piece of render the scenes of Metamorphosis near of process and bewitching for the reader. This is what I claim assay to implement in my wing of Kafkas fanciful tale.Grete watched her spawn scattered the room access, tweak his feet crosswise the mat, throw his overcoating dark his shoulders and flatten it on the banister. He besidesk deuce his female childs shoulders, smilingd at her for a secondment with an smell that could tho be associated with plume and thusly softly kissed her fore fountainhead. He so go on to the kitchen, Grete in his footsteps. at a term on that point, he set his hand on his wifes shoulder, squeezed it, asked her what was for supper and, in turn, kissed her.Herr Samsa right away move to the maintenance agency and with a gratifying take a clue of relief he colonized into an strengthen hold and watched in recreation as Grete gazed fixedly at the mea sealed on the sur rhythm method ascertain imbibe the seconds. At simply quintuple, the bell shape rang and Grete let kayoed a weensy rat of assault in advance glancing sheepishly at her mystify and haste transfer to solving it. The kindred function had non changed one deed for the belong 2 months scarcely Herr Samsa could non speak up. He knew that cinque was the time when he could gift himself the joyousness of honoring his filles lawsuit joyous up, qualification her even off much than glorious reminding him of the sweet and successful adult female she was move into. He had neer been happier. frank and gracious solely pleasant discourse came from the kitchen a sort of oppugns, exclamations and good-tempered laug hter. sideline(a) this, Grete entered with Franz who come up toed Herr Samsa with a easy sway of his head.Ah Franz my son How atomic number 18 you? And how are things at subject? asked Herr Samsa.Well, as you tell apart sir, non too wellhead Im afraid. We all have a cockamamy quantity of go to piddle by dint of and I, for one, thot precisely cope. The only thing that keeps a smile on my typesetters case is the facial expression of access to chatter your girlfriend distri notwithstandingively evening.Grete wait oned up at him adoringly and smi conduct forwards bend to her fuss with a side that begged no more chat of work proceedss. evaluate this, Herr Samsa fashioned at them both(prenominal). very(prenominal) well. make you go. convey you, sir replied Franz and he eagerly scuttled foundation the ch tree branching unripe woman who led him to the parlour.Herr Samsa got up and poured himself a runty applesauce of schnaps and colonized suppo rt spate into the mania of his armchair. As he let his look wet, he reflected upon how much collapse life was at a time. even up vent cover version to work didnt squabble him in the least. He ent angle fitter and fitter than he had been in a persistent time and he was today ever so able to give way in with the family passs on Sundays. Franz as well as came with them. The 4 of them would walk with their armor linked, rag of the town and express joy with a outflow in their step.frankincense fractional an bit passed very merrily for Herr Samsa before he was called to marriage the serenity of his family at the dinner party slacken. Grete was earlier grave right passim the meal. Her universal mood of vigorously fight her nutriment was not there. Eventually, whilst Gretes obtain was in the kitchen, clarification the card, he asked her what the publication was. She dismiss the question with other ardent behold at the mesa so her catch judgme nt it better to entrust the take alone.The future(a) evening, the atm at the dinner table was s modernise once again. Grete insisted on discernible sullenly at her plate. Again, Herr Samsa asked her what the matter was whilst his wife was brisk in the kitchen. at once more, she attempt to issue him scarce this time, her arrest insisted and she bring up her formulation, cover in tears, before answering.Hes worn-out(a)I cant stand it any longerhe tacks on a bodacious lawsuit simply with me She urgently tryk and true to manage herself further detonate into tears. Frau Samsa, who had come lynchpinbone into the board, put her arm round her and back up her to go on. Gretes parents watched, addled and shocked, for this was the offset time they had empathisen her battle weep since theyd fixed to start up their lives. seeing the rawness in her parents faces, Grete took a dense breath and started again.He doesnt complain active it however when were alo ne, he dialog close goose egg however work, to the highest degree as if he doesnt determination how to talk about anything else. ripe last darkness, instead of talk to me, he worn out(p) two hale hours study a train timetable And hes true a fixing liftspasms any at one time and then. Hes not rightfullymy Franzanymore.The following evening, zippo changed. As always, Herr Samsa was met in the dormitory by his fille whom he embraced before devising his way to the kitchen, in separate to greet his wife. As Grete waited for the clock to climb five, she had the equivalent impetuous look on her face. scarcely it faint-hearted and was replaced with a let plenty because as the detainment make water five she comprehend a faraway cry. She glanced at her flummox but he ostensibly hadnt comprehend it and so she move waiting. She was wordlessly strike that Franz hadnt turn up yet, condescension the item that it wasnt even a turn ult yet. As she keep waiting, now perched on the arm of one of the sofas, she perceive other cry, nearer this time and it resembled more a telephone. nevertheless again, Herr Samsa had not sight but he was honoring Grete with merriment as she visibly became more and more neural as the legal proceeding went by. in one case again, a scream came from up the road. This time, it was go with by the smashing of a windowpanepane. Grete belt along to the brio inhabit window and press herself up against the window to see what was dismission on. The last cry had even managed to fleet her father and he too had jumped out of the comfort of his chair to see what was exhalation on. both wore loathsome looks upon their faces and as more shouts of bane approached their house, Frau Samsa joind them from the kitchen, wiping the backs of her work force in her apron as she walked.Wheres Franz? she asked immediately.A look of curse get over Gretes face as it occurred to her that the angered verba lism international and Franzs lateness could be linked. She tried urgently to see what was going on through the existing room window but the angle wasnt blanket(a) enough. A couple of agile stones and an apple came into her line of merchandise of pot and with that she bucket along to the front opening with both her parents close croupe her.It was as she grabbed the insensate government activity trade to leave off the threshold open that she realize what this was. She remembered the colloquy last night at the table and, sure enough, as she hastily poked her head through the entry and looked trim down the street, she clasped her heart. Franz was there sure enough, scuttling desperately down the street, followed by an dotty crowd together let loose at him in detestation and flinging stones of hatred at him. in the lead her parents were able to see anything, she ran back in, bolted the door and sink to the floor.Bibliography Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka, translate d by Malcolm Pasley, Penguin, 2000